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Laravel 10: New Features and Release Date | What’s New in Laravel 10? | Laravel 10 Features- DevDuniya

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Laravel, the popular PHP web application framework, is set to release its latest version, Laravel 10, with exciting new features and improvements. As a leading framework for web application development, Laravel 10 is poised to take the development world by storm with its latest updates. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at what’s coming in Laravel 10, its release date, and how it will benefit developers. Whether you’re a seasoned Laravel developer or just getting started, this blog will give you a comprehensive overview of what’s new in Laravel 10 and how it will help you build better, more efficient web applications. Get ready to dive into the world of Laravel 10 and discover all the new features and improvements it has to offer.

A Guide to the Latest Features and Versions:

Laravel is a popular open-source PHP framework used for web application development. It has gained a lot of popularity in the PHP community due to its ease of use, elegant syntax, and numerous features. In this article, we will cover the latest version of Laravel, Laravel 10, and answer some of the frequently asked questions about it.

Understanding the New Features in Laravel 10

Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks used for web application development. The release of Laravel 10 brings several new features that developers can take advantage of to enhance the performance, security, and functionality of their web applications. In this article, we will go over some of the most important new features in Laravel 10 and provide examples of how to use them.

No.1: New Artisan Command To Generate Model

Artisan, the command-line interface included with Laravel, has become more interactive over time. Starting from Laravel 6, Artisan added interactive features to the command line that make it easier to use and more user-friendly. For example, when running certain Artisan commands, you can be prompted to answer questions or make selections in a menu-based interface. This makes it faster and more convenient to run common tasks and reduces the likelihood of typos or mistakes in the command line. Write php artisan make:model` and press enter. it will ask your input “what should the model be named?” now you need to enter the model name and choose one of the following numbers.

$ php artisan make:model

  What should the model be named?
❯ Product

  Would you like any of the following? [none]
  none ......................................... 0
  all .......................................... 1
  factory ...................................... 2
  form requests ................................ 3
  migration .................................... 4
  policy ....................................... 5
  resource controller .......................... 6
  seed ......................................... 7

No.2: Invokable Validation Rule

In PHP, an “Invokable” object is an object that can be called like a function. This is achieved by implementing the __invoke magic method in the object’s class definition.

The __invoke method is automatically called when an object is used in a context where a function call is expected, such as with () operator. When an object with an __invoke method is called like a function, PHP will automatically execute the code inside the __invoke method.

php artisan make:rule ValidAge
// Laravel 10 

namespace App\Rules;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\InvokableRule;

class ValidAge implements InvokableRule
     * Run the validation rule.
     * @param  \Closure(string): \Illuminate\Translation\PotentiallyTranslatedString  $fail
    public function __invoke(string $attribute, mixed $value, Closure $fail): void
        if($value < 18){
            $fail('The validation error message.');
// Laravel 9

namespace App\Rules;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Rule;

class ValidAge implements Rule
     * Create a new rule instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

     * Determine if the validation rule passes.
     * @param  string  $attribute
     * @param  mixed  $value
     * @return bool
    public function passes($attribute, $value)

     * Get the validation error message.
     * @return string
    public function message()
        return 'The validation error message.';

The advantage of using invokable objects is that they allow you to define objects that can be executed as if they were functions, making it easier to create flexible, reusable, and composable code.

No.3: Laravel 10 Introduces Native types and drops dockblocks

“DocBlocks” in Laravel refer to specially formatted comments that provide metadata about the code they are documenting. They are widely used in PHP to document functions, classes, properties, and method parameters, among other things.

A DocBlock is a multi-line comment that starts with /** and ends with */. Each line within a DocBlock is prefixed with an asterisk (*). For example:

 * This is an example of a DocBlock.
 * It can be used to provide additional information about a class, method,
 * property, or parameter.
 * @param string $parameter This is an example of a parameter annotation.
 * @return void

In Laravel, DocBlocks can be used to provide information about the purpose, parameters, return values, and other details of the code, which can be used by automated tools to generate API documentation and perform other tasks.

Laravel also makes use of certain special annotations within DocBlocks to provide additional functionality, such as routing information for controllers and information about model relationships.

In Laravel, “native types” refer to the basic data types that are built into PHP, such as integers, floats, booleans, strings, arrays, and resources. Laravel uses these data types in its framework to store and manipulate data.

For example, in a Laravel application, you might use a string to store a user’s name, an integer to store their age, and a boolean to store whether they are active or not.

In addition to the native types, Laravel also provides several classes and abstractions that make it easier to work with data in a structured and consistent way. For example, the Illuminate\Support\Collection class provides a fluent interface for working with arrays of data, and the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model class provides a simple and elegant way to interact with relational databases.

     * Update the specified resource in storage.
-    *
-    * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
-    * @param  \App\Models\Chirp  $chirp
-    * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
-    public function update(Request $request, Chirp $chirp)
+    public function update(Request $request, Chirp $chirp): Response

No.4: Droped PHP 8.0 And Supports 8.1 or Above

Laravel 10 dropped support for PHP 8 because it was a new version of PHP that was released after Laravel 10 was already in development. Laravel is built on top of PHP and must be compatible with the version of PHP that it supports. When a new version of PHP is released, it can introduce changes that may break compatibility with Laravel or other parts of the stack.

In order to support a new version of PHP, Laravel’s developers must test the framework and its components to ensure compatibility and fix any issues that are found. Since Laravel 10 was already in development when PHP 8 was released, the decision was made to not support PHP 8 in that version of Laravel.

PHP 8.1 is a minor version release of PHP 8, which was released on December 8th, 2021. PHP 8.1 includes several bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor new features.

Here are some of the key differences between PHP 8 and PHP 8.1:

  • Improved type safety: PHP 8.1 includes several improvements to type safety, including better enforcement of type hints and improved support for union types.
  • New functions: PHP 8.1 introduces several new functions, including str_contains, array_key_first, and array_key_last, among others.
  • Performance improvements: PHP 8.1 includes various performance improvements, including optimizations for array operations and improved memory management.
  • Bug fixes: PHP 8.1 includes numerous bug fixes for issues that were present in PHP 8.

It’s worth noting that PHP 8.1 is a minor release, which means that it is fully backwards compatible with PHP 8. This means that code written for PHP 8 will continue to work unchanged in PHP 8.1. However, if you’re using any features that were improved in PHP 8.1, you may see performance or functionality benefits by upgrading to PHP 8.1.Regenerate response

No.5: Droped Predis v1 Supports Predis v2

Predis is a PHP client library for Redis, an in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker. In Laravel, Predis is used as a Redis client to connect to and interact with a Redis server.

With Predis, you can perform various Redis operations such as getting and setting values, managing lists, sets, hashes, and more. You can also use Redis’s built-in features such as pub/sub messaging, transactions, and Lua scripting.

In Laravel, Predis is used for caching, session management, and other tasks that require fast and efficient storage and retrieval of data. It is also used for queuing jobs in Laravel’s task queue, which can be executed in the background and can improve the overall performance and scalability of your Laravel application.

To get started with Predis in Laravel, you need to install the predis/predis package and configure your Redis server. You can then use the Redis facade in Laravel to interact with your Redis server and perform various Redis operations.

Predis v1 and Predis v2 refer to different versions of the Predis library.

Predis v1 is the first version of Predis and was widely used in Laravel 5.x applications. It is a simple and straightforward Redis client that is easy to use and provides basic Redis functionality.

Predis v2 is the second version of Predis and was introduced with Laravel 6.x. It includes several improvements over Predis v1, including support for the latest Redis features, improved performance, and a more robust API.

When choosing between Predis v1 and Predis v2, it’s important to consider the requirements of your Laravel application and your use case for Redis. If you’re starting a new Laravel application or upgrading from an older version of Laravel, it’s recommended to use Predis v2 for improved performance and better support for the latest Redis features.

If you’re upgrading an existing Laravel application that uses Predis v1, you’ll need to update your code to use Predis v2 and be aware of any differences in the API. However, the changes between the two versions are generally small and straightforward, so the upgrade process should not be too difficult.Regenerate response

No.6: Removed dispatchNow()

Yes, the dispatchNow method was removed from Laravel 10. In previous versions of Laravel, the dispatchNow method was used to dispatch a job to be executed immediately, bypassing the queue system.

However, in Laravel 10, this method has been removed, and the recommended way to execute a job immediately is to use the sync queue driver. This can be done by setting the queue property of your job to sync.

Here’s an example of how you can use the sync queue driver to execute a job immediately in Laravel 10:

// in your job class
public $queue = 'sync';

// in your controller or other code
dispatch(new YourJob($data))->onQueue('sync');

By using the sync queue driver, you can ensure that your job will be executed immediately, without being added to the queue system. This can be useful in certain situations where you need to perform a task immediately and can’t wait for it to be processed by the queue.

No.7: No need to install doctrine/dbal package in laravel 10

Yes, that’s correct. In Laravel 10, the doctrine/dbal package is no longer a required dependency, and you don’t need to install it in order to use Laravel.

The doctrine/dbal package is a database abstraction layer that provides a simple and convenient way to interact with databases, including support for various database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. In previous versions of Laravel, this package was used as the default database query builder and was required to be installed in order to use Laravel’s query builder.

However, in Laravel 10, the query builder has been re-written to use a more efficient and flexible implementation, and the doctrine/dbal package is no longer required. This means that you can now use Laravel’s query builder without having to install the doctrine/dbal package, making it easier to get started with Laravel and reducing the overall complexity of the framework.

If you have existing code that uses the doctrine/dbal package, you’ll need to update your code to use Laravel’s new query builder implementation, but this should be a straightforward process.

$table->string('name', 50)->change();
$table->string('name', 50)->nullable()->change();
$table->renameColumn('from', 'to');

No.8: Many Properties and methods has been removed from laravel 10

As part of the process of improving and evolving the Laravel framework, the Laravel development team periodically removes deprecated methods and properties that are no longer needed or that have been replaced by newer, better alternatives.

The removal of deprecated methods and properties helps to keep the Laravel codebase clean, maintainable, and free of unused or outdated code. It also ensures that the framework remains up-to-date with the latest best practices and technologies.

In Laravel 10, many deprecated methods and properties have been removed, and you’ll need to update your code to use the recommended alternative methods or properties. The Laravel documentation provides a comprehensive list of all the changes and deprecations in each version of Laravel, so you can easily check which methods or properties have been removed and what you need to do to update your code.

It’s important to keep your Laravel applications up-to-date with the latest version of the framework, as this will ensure that your applications are secure, performant, and maintainable, and that you have access to the latest features and improvements.

Here’s an example of a deprecated method that has been removed in Laravel 10:

In previous versions of Laravel, the redirect method on the Response class had an optional second parameter that allowed you to specify the status code to use for the redirect:

return redirect('home', 302);

In Laravel 10, this method has been removed, and you need to use the new redirect method that takes only one argument, the URL to redirect to. To specify the status code, you can use the with method on the returned RedirectResponse instance:

return redirect('home')->with('status', 302);

This is just one example of the many deprecated methods and properties that have been removed in Laravel 10. If you’re upgrading from an earlier version of Laravel, you should carefully review the Laravel documentation and the changelog for each version to see what changes and deprecations may affect your code.

No.9: Route::home has been removed from laravel 10

Yes, that’s correct. The route::home method has been removed in Laravel 10.

In previous versions of Laravel, the route::home method was used to generate a URL for the application’s home page. For example:

return redirect()->route('home');

In Laravel 10, you need to use a different method to generate the URL for the home page. You can use the url method on the Route facade, or you can define a named route for the home page in your application’s routing configuration and use the route method.

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

return redirect()->route('home');

This change helps to make the code more flexible and maintainable, as you can use the named route to change the URL for the home page if needed, without affecting the rest of the application.

It’s important to keep your Laravel applications up-to-date with the latest version of the framework, as this will ensure that your applications are secure, performant, and maintainable, and that you have access to the latest features and improvements.


Will Laravel 10 Be LTS?

As of my knowledge cutoff in 2021, Laravel 10 has not been officially released yet, so it is unclear if it will be a Long-Term Support (LTS) version. However, Laravel has a history of releasing LTS versions, so it is possible that Laravel 10 will be an LTS version as well.

Will Laravel 9 Be LTS?

Yes, Laravel 9 was released as a Long-Term Support (LTS) version. This means that it will receive bug fixes and security updates for two years after its initial release and for one year after the next LTS release.

How to install Laravel 10?

Laravel 10 can be installed using the following steps:
Install Composer: Laravel requires the Composer package manager to be installed on your system. You can download and install it from
Create a Laravel Project: You can create a new Laravel project using the following command in your terminal: composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel your-project-name.
Install Dependencies: Once the project is created, you can install all the required dependencies by running the following command: composer install.
Configure the Environment: Next, you need to configure your application’s environment by setting up the database and other required configurations.
Run the Application: Finally, you can run the Laravel application using the following command: php artisan serve.

What is the Latest Laravel Version?

As of February 7, 2023, the latest version of Laravel is Laravel 10. It was released on September 8, 2022, and it brings several new features and improvements to the framework.


Laravel 10 brings several new features that make it easier, faster, and more efficient to develop web applications. In conclusion, Laravel 10 is set to revolutionize the web development world with its new features and improvements. From its advanced capabilities for streamlining workflows to its cutting-edge security features, Laravel 10 has something for everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned Laravel developer or just getting started, this latest version is sure to take your development skills to the next level. Stay tuned for the official release of Laravel 10 and start exploring all the new features it has to offer. The future of web development is here, and Laravel 10 is leading the charge.

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