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Mastering the Visual Composer API: How to Create a Loop Element

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If you’re looking to make your WordPress site stand out, you might want to consider using the Visual Composer plugin. It’s a great tool that makes building and customizing your website a lot easier, thanks to its drag-and-drop interface and advanced customization options.

One feature that you might find particularly useful is the loop element. This powerful tool allows you to display posts or custom post types in a specific way, and you can customize the output to match your site’s design. In this article, we’ll show you how to create a loop element using the Visual Composer API.

What is a Loop Element?

A loop element is a powerful tool for displaying posts or custom post types on your website. It allows you to display posts in a specific way, and you can customize the output to match your site’s design. Visual Composer provides an API that makes it easy to create a loop element that is fully customizable.

Setting up Your Environment

Before you can start creating a loop element, you need to make sure you have the right tools in place. You’ll need a WordPress site, the Visual Composer plugin, and some basic knowledge of PHP.

Creating the Loop Element

Here’s how you can create a loop element using the Visual Composer API:

  1. Register the Element
    First, you need to register the loop element with Visual Composer. You can do this by adding the following code to your functions.php file:
function custom_vc_loop() {
   vc_map( array(
      "name" => __("Loop", "my-text-domain"),
      "base" => "loop",
      "category" => __("Content", "my-text-domain"),
      "params" => array(
            "type" => "textfield",
            "heading" => __("Number of Posts", "my-text-domain"),
            "param_name" => "number",
            "value" => "5"
            "type" => "textfield",
            "heading" => __("Category", "my-text-domain"),
            "param_name" => "category",
            "value" => ""
   ) );
add_action( 'vc_before_init', 'custom_vc_loop' );
  1. Define the Shortcode
    Next, you need to define the shortcode that will be used to display the loop element. You can do this by adding the following code to your functions.php file:
function custom_loop_shortcode( $atts ) {
   $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
      'number' => '5',
      'category' => ''
   ), $atts );
   $args = array(
      'post_type' => 'post',
      'posts_per_page' => $atts['number']
   if ( $atts['category'] ) {
      $args['category_name'] = $atts['category'];
   $query = new WP_Query( $args );
   if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
      $output = '';
      while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
         $output .= get_the_title() . '<br>';
      return $output;
add_shortcode( 'loop', 'custom_loop_shortcode' );
  1. Add the Element to Your Page
    Now that you’ve registered the loop element and defined the shortcode, you can add the element to your page. To do this, open up the Visual Composer editor and drag the “Loop” element onto your page. You can then customize the element by specifying the number of posts to display and the category to display them from.


In conclusion, Creating a loop element using the Visual Composer API is a great way to customize the way your WordPress site displays posts or custom post types. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a fully customizable loop element that is sure to impress.

If you have any queries related to this article, then you can ask in the comment section, we will contact you soon, and Thank you for reading this article.

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