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Google BARD AI vs Microsoft ChatGPT AI 2023 | BARD AI vs ChatGPT AI | Google BARD vs Microsoft ChatGPT – DevDuniya

Google BARD AI vs ChatGPT
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In this article, we are going to see what is BARD AI and ChatGPT and the major differences between Google BARD AI and Microsoft ChatGPT. So Let’s start this article without wasting any time:-

Alphabet CEO Sunder Pichai announced Google BARD AI through a blog post, it is an experimental conversational AI service, that is powered by LaMDA(Language Model Dialogue Applications) a large language model that was developed and released by Google in 2021.

Google BARD AI can give real-time news which means that BARD AI will train itself in real time if you asked any current news then it can able to tell you. BARD AI will be trained by old data and supposed there is no available data then it can fetch output from crawled webpages.

Google BARD and Microsot ChatGPT:

Google BARD (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and Microsoft ChatGPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) are both cutting-edge language models developed by major tech companies. However, there are several key differences between the two models in terms of their architecture, training data, performance, scale, purpose, and accessibility.

Architecture of BARD AI and ChatGPT:

  1. Google BARD AI: Google BARD AI is a deep learning model based on the Transformer architecture. It uses a bidirectional attention mechanism to examine both the context before and after a word, allowing it to better understand the meaning of a query.
  2. Microsoft ChatGPT, on the other hand, is based on the GPT-3 architecture, which is also a transformer-based model. However, unlike BARD, it uses unidirectional attention, meaning that it only considers the context before a word.

Training Data used in BARD AI and ChatGPT:

Google BARD AI is trained on a large corpus of text data to learn the relationships between words and phrases, as well as their meaning. This training data is used to help BARD understand natural language and match query intent with relevant website content.

Microsoft ChatGPT, similarly, is trained on a massive corpus of text data from the internet. The training data includes a diverse range of sources, including news articles, books, websites, and more. The model is trained to generate text based on the input it receives, allowing it to perform a wide range of language tasks.

Performance of BARD AI and ChatGPT:

Both Google BARD AI and Microsoft ChatGPT AI are highly advanced models that are capable of performing complex language tasks with high accuracy. However, their performance may differ depending on the specific task at hand. For example, BARD may be better suited for search engine ranking, as it is specifically designed to match query intent with relevant website content. Meanwhile, ChatGPT may perform better for text generation tasks, such as generating a response to a chat message.

BARD AI and ChatGPT Scale:

Google BARD is a larger model compared to Microsoft ChatGPT, making it more accessible for businesses and organizations with resources. However, this also means that it may have more limitations in terms of the types of tasks it can perform compared to ChatGPT.

Microsoft ChatGPT, on the other hand, is a massive model, with over 175 billion parameters. This makes it one of the largest language models available and allows it to perform a wide range of language tasks with high accuracy. However, this also means that it requires significant computational resources and is more challenging to deploy in real-world applications.

Purpose of BARD AI and ChatGPT:

Google BARD AI is specifically designed to improve the search engine ranking of websites. It uses its deep learning capabilities to match query intent with relevant website content, providing a more relevant and accurate search experience for users.

Microsoft ChatGPT AI, on the other hand, is designed as a general-purpose language model, capable of performing a wide range of language tasks, including text generation, question answering, and more.

BARD AI and ChatGPT Accessibility:

Google BARD is not readily available to the public, and access is limited to Google’s partner companies and selected researchers. This is due to the sensitive nature of search engine ranking and the need to maintain a high level of privacy and security.

Microsoft ChatGPT, on the other hand, is accessible to the public through the OpenAI API, allowing developers to build applications that leverage the model’s capabilities.

What is Google BARD AI?

Alphabet CEO Sunder Pichai announced Google BARD AI through the blog, it is an experimental conversational AI service, that is powered by LaMDA(Language Model Dialogue Applications) a large language model that was developed and released by Google in 2021.

How is Google BARD AI different from Microsoft ChatGPT?

Read the above article:

How can I access Google Bard?

Google Bard is not released yet, but it can release for public use so everyone can access the Google BARD AI.


In conclusion, Google BARD AI and ChatGPT are both powerful tools that can help organizations to improve their business processes and decision making but in my point of view, Google BARD will defeat ChatGPT because BARD will be trained on the large scale of data set and it’s architecture follows a bidirectional system. While both platforms offer advanced artificial intelligence capabilities, they differ in their architecture, functionality, purpose, and accessibility. Google BARD AI focuses on delivering AI solutions to enterprise-level businesses, while Microsoft AI aims to provide AI tools to organizations of all sizes but let’s see the future when BARD will release.

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