Top 15 AI Tools Similar to ChatGPT

Blue Rings

No.1: OpenAI GPT-3

A language model capable of natural language processing, translation, and chatbot creation.

No.2: Google Assistant

A virtual assistant powered by AI that can perform tasks, answer questions, and control devices.

No.3: Amazon Alexa

Another virtual assistant that can perform tasks, answer questions, and control smart home devices.

No.4: IBM Watson

A suite of AI tools that includes natural language processing, speech-to-text, and chatbot creation.

No.5: Microsoft Cortana

A virtual assistant that can answer questions, perform tasks, and manage your calendar.

No.6: BERT

A Google AI tool for natural language processing, used for tasks like sentiment analysis and language translation.


A Facebook-owned platform for building conversational chatbots and voice assistants.

No.8: Dialogflow

A Google-owned tool for building conversational chatbots and voice assistants.

No.9: Hugging Face

An open-source library of natural language processing tools for developers.

No.10: Rasa 

An open-source framework for building conversational chatbots and voice assistants.

No.11: TensorFlow 

An open-source machine learning library with tools for natural language processing and other applications.

No.12: PyTorch 

Another open-source machine learning library with tools for natural language processing and other applications.

No.13: Snips 

An open-source voice assistant platform that emphasizes user privacy and security.

No.14: FastText 

A Facebook-owned library for text classification and natural language processing.

No.15: NLTK 

An open-source library for natural language processing with tools for text classification, tokenization, and more.